Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Best Week Ever!

With Miss Hadley's pending arrival around the corner, Brent and I devoted the whole week prior to her birth to fun days with Cooper. We went to get cupcakes, ice cream, sno cones, visited the Heard Museum, the Fort Worth Zoo, went swimming and took lots of naps just Mommy and C! I think it was the best week for Mommy and Daddy to be able to devote one on one time with our sweet baby boy before our family turned into 4!

Easter in the Wenzel House!

Easter was a lot of fun with Mr. C this year! He had a blast dying easter eggs and definitely hunting for one's with candy! He thought it was so cool to squeeze and crack the eggs! We are still not a fan of the Easter Bunny, but maybe next year!

enjoying some twizzlers at our easter party at school!

his buddy dylan - who they call dill pickle!

hunting for eggs on the playground

The Big Two!

I am SO behind on our blog! Here are a few pics from little guys second birthday. We took yummy cupcakes to his friends at school and celebrated with family at the house! Toy Story was definitely the theme of gifts this year. As Cooper would say - "to infinity and beyond...."

playing puppets - our second most favorite pasttime

Love this!

Blowing out his two candles! So big!

Mommy and the birthday boy!

Yummy - banana's and cream cupcake! Love this little boy!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba - Happy Birthday Cooper Pooper!

We had Cooper's 2nd Birthday party at the School of Rock in Frisco! It was geared around his favorite TV show - Yo Gabba Gabba! We had about 30 plus kiddos and another 50 friends and family join us. It was such a blast and we don't think Cooper has ever had that much fun in his life!

Feeding Miss Anabelle some birthday cake after the party!

Opening up some of his gifts!

Do you think he is having a good time? Check out his face?


Getting ready to blow out his candle - like a pro!

Happy Birthday Boy!

He would play swords with anyone and everyone

Loving on his Aunt LaLa

Valentine's Party!

Mommy couldn't make C's Valentine's Party at school this year, so he got to have the next best thing - Daddy! I loved the hats they all wore - too funny. He told me that I was his Valentine's this year and no one else. Love that little boy!

Mr. Cooper and all his two year glory!

So...I have been a little busy with two jobs, a two year old and a baby in the belly that I have not posted since January! How terrible! With Miss Hadley's big arrival scheduled for Friday, I wanted to get a jump start of some posts for my main man - Cooper Ayden! Here are a few random pics of Mr. C in action over the past few months. I promise I will be much better at keeping up with sharing all the fun events of our crazy lives! xxoo

Mommy and C at Mr. Trip's Big Diego Birthday Bash

Just one of the big kids

Who is the crazy big man with Diego???

Kind of blurry - but so funny! Laying in Hadley's play mat with her baby doll!

Our first corn on the cob experience! He loved it.

Checking out Hadley's new digs!

Stickers are his major addiction!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Let it SNOW!!!!!

It has been crazy weather here in the Big D! This is our second snow event of 2009 (very unusual for us). The first was Christmas Eve which was awesome, but SO cold! This was the week between Christmas and New Year's and we got some pretty good accumulation! Don't mind his red Popsicle face, too (nothing like a popsicle when it's 30 degrees outside)!